19 Mar 2020

Transport for Sick Children – COVID-19

TfSC is engaged in helping to combat the spread of the Coronavirus throughout our communities. Some volunteers, who support and sustain the charity, are classed as vulnerable and need to self-isolate.

This means TfSC is struggling to meet all demands for transport – but we are still trying to provide a service when possible.

Following government and health sector advice, the charity recommends:

Stay at home: If you are in one of the vulnerable categories – until further notice

Stay at home: If you show signs of a raised temperature, a cough, breathing difficulties

Stay at home: If you have been in contact with someone who has the virus (for 14 days, unless symptoms develop, then you may need to stay in isolation for a further 7 days)

Stay at home: Whenever possible

To stop the spread of the virus:

  • Wash and soap hands regularly;
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces;
  • Use tissues when coughing or sneezing,

If you are particularly worried about your symptoms call: NHS 111

Do not go to your GP or other healthcare establishments.

We will keep you up to date, should there be any further changes to Government advice or the service is unable to meet demands for transport due to driver availability.