Transport for Sick Children is charity with an incredible team of volunteers who give up their time and use their own cars to take accompanied children to hospital and clinic appointments. We were founded in 1977 by a retired paediatric nurse who was asked to help a family whose child was failing to thrive. The nurse provided transport to a medical appointment and successfully prevented the child from being taken in to care. As their need for help diminished, a request for help from another family arose and so the scheme was born. Originating in South Manchester, Transport for Sick Children now covers the whole of Greater Manchester.
The charity relies on a dedicated team of volunteer car owner drivers to provide the service. These volunteer drivers transport accompanied children to appointments and then either wait or return later to take the family home. The service is free, though donations are welcome.
Volunteers are reimbursed their fuel costs but give freely of their spare time. Some drivers carry out one journey a month, others are on the road for us most days of the week. Volunteer drivers are interviewed, have an accompanied drive and have a DBS check to ensure they are suitable.
We have a small team of dedicated transport organisers who match the child and family with a driver and make sure the scheme runs smoothly. They have good relationships with volunteer drivers and referrers.
Transport for Sick Children Ltd was established to relieve the health needs of children by the provision of voluntary transport to and from hospitals, clinics and outpatient departments for children and their carers who live in and around Manchester. The total health needs of the child are our first consideration. The service is available to any children and their carers who are referred by a health, education or social services professional.
We aim to fulfil this by:
We are funded by the NHS Integrated Commissioning Board :
We also receive funding from local businesses, small community groups and generous individuals.